News Article

Tickets Mistakenly Issued in Center Square On 8/8/2022

August 9, 2022

It has come to our attention that on Monday 8/08/2022, some vehicles parked in the HBO filming areas of Center Square were mistakenly issued tickets for move over and timed restrictions. Please know that the tickets issued for these violations, in these areas, have been voided.

We apologize for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused, if you have questions about a ticket you received relating to the above issue please contact: [email protected]

Please Note: That until Saturday, August 27, 2022, normal parking regulations are suspended for the duration of the filmingin the affected areas, which includes fromQuail Street to S. Swan Street and Washington Avenue to Madison Avenue, as well as all of Washington Park and Englewood Place.

Move over and timed restrictions will NOT be in effect in the impacted areas.

Parking enforcement will continue for quality-of-life issues including but not limited to, vehicles blocking fire hydrants, crosswalks, and no parking zones. Parking meters are in effect unless noted otherwise and residential parking permits will remain in effect during this time.