News Article

Emergency No Parking Notices for 7/18/2022 to 7/24/2022

July 15, 2022

Please be advised of the following temporary parking restrictions beginning in Albany, NY between Monday 7/18/2022 and Sunday 7/24/2022.

Monday, July 18th from 9:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Madison Avenue (South Side) near 534 Madison Avenue ;for a move.

Monday, July 18th from 7:00am to 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Jefferson Street (South Side) from 116-158 Jefferson Street ;for sidewalk work.

Monday, July 18th from 7:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Elizabeth Street (Both Sides) from 28-46 Elizabeth Street ;for service vehicles. ;

Monday, July 18th from 6:00am to 8:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Second Street from North Pearl Street to Jennings Drive ;for a DGS project.

North Third Street (Both Sides) from ;North Pearl Street to Broadway for a DGS project.

Monday, July 18th at 7:00am until Tuesday, July 19th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Beekman Street (West Side) from Delaware Avenue to Second Avenue ;for service vehicles.

Monday, July 18th at 8:00am until Wednesday, July 20th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

State Street (North Side) near 433 State Street ;for a lift.

Monday, July 18th at 7:00am until Thursday, July 21st at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Osborne Street (Both Sides) from 27-44 Osborne Street ;for service vehicles.

Monday, July 18th at 6:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Benson Street (Both Sides) from Partridge Street to Ontario Street for paving.

Garden Avenue (Both Sides) from O’Connell Street to Frisbee Avenue for paving.

Hudson Avenue (Both Sides) from Quail Street to Ontario Street for paving.

Hutton Street (Both Sides) from Lindbergh Avenue to Lawn Avenue for paving.

North Second Street (Both Sides) from Broadway to South Pearl Street for paving.

Monday, July 18th at 7:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Delaware Avenue (East Side) from Park Avenue to Myrtle Avenue ;for service vehicles. ;

Monday, July 18th at 6:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

3rd Avenue (Both Sides) from South Hawk Street to South Pearl Street ;for AWD work.

Lark Street (Both Sides) from Madison Avenue to Jay Street for AWD work.

Monday, July 18th at 6:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Maplewood Avenue (South Side) from Locust Street to Russell Road ;for road work.

Monday, July 18th at 6:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Beverly Avenue (South Side) from Northern Boulevard to the Dead End for road work.

Colonie Street (South Side) from Lark Street to Northern Boulevard for road work.

Henry Johnson Boulevard (East Side) from Second Street south three spaces for road work. ;

Lark Street (West Side) from Colonie Street south three spaces for road work.

Lark Street (West Side) from Second Street south three spaces for road work.

McCardle Avenue (Both Sides) from Beverly Avenue south three spaces for road work.

Northern Boulevard (East Side) from Colonie Street south three spaces for road work.

Northern Boulevard (West Side) from Beverly Avenue south three spaces for road work.

Pennsylvania Avenue (Both Sides) from Beverly Avenue south three spaces for road work.

Second Street (South Side) from Lark Street to Henry Johnson Boulevard for road work. ;

Thornton Street (Both Sides) from Beverly Avenue south three spaces for road work.

Wilkins Avenue (Both Sides) from Beverly Avenue south three spaces for road work.

Tuesday, July 19th from 7:00am to 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

James Street (Both Sides) from Columbia Street to Steuben Street ;for an event.

Tuesday, July 19th from 12:00pm to 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Willett Street (East Side) near 98 Willett Street ;for a move.

Tuesday, July 19th from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Willett Street (East Side) near 75 Willett Street ;for a move.

Tuesday, July 19th from 7:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

In front of/opposite ;269 Sheridan Avenue ;for sewer repair.

Tuesday, July 19th at 8:00am until Wednesday, July 20th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

In front of ;305 Hudson Avenue ;for service vehicles.

Tuesday, July 19th at 7:00am until Tuesday, July 26th at 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Jefferson Street (North Side) from 135-167 Jefferson Street ;for sidewalk work.

Wednesday, July 20th from 8:00am to 10:00am

Parking Restrictions:

Central Avenue (North Side) near 607 Central Avenue ;for a funeral.

Wednesday, July 20th from 8:00am to 1:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Clinton Avenue (North Side) from Hawk Street to Ludlow Alley ;for a funeral. ;

Wednesday, July 20th from 7:00am to 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Lancaster Street from the front of ;210 Lancaster Street to the front of 222 Lancaster Street ;for AWD vehicles.

Wednesday, July 20th from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

In front of ;27 Stanwix Street ;for a move. ;

Wednesday, July 20th from 12:00pm to 11:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (West Side) from Orange Street to Sheridan Avenue ;seven spaces.

Wednesday, July 20th at 7:00am until Thursday, July 21st at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

In front of ;248 Hudson Avenue ;for service vehicles.

Wednesday, July 20th at 7:00am until Thursday, July 21st at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Stanwix Street (West Side) from Delaware Avenue to Second Avenue ;for service vehicles.

Wednesday, July 20th at 7:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Lodge Street (East Side) from State Street to Pine Street for buses.

Lodge Street (West Side) from Corning Place to Lodge Street ;for buses.

Lodge Street (West Side) from Corning Place north three spaces for buses.

Wednesday, July 20th at 7:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

South Allen Street (East Side) from 241-271 South Allen Street ;for a gas install.

Wednesday, July 20th at 8:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Chestnut Street (South Side) near 166 Chestnut Street ;for service vehicles.

Wednesday, July 20th at 7:00am until Saturday, July 30th at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Jay Street (South Side) near 211 Jay Street ;for a lift. ;

Wednesday, July 20th at 6:00am until Saturday, August 20th at 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (East Side) near 191 North Pearl Street ;for construction and delivery vehicles.

Thursday, July 21st from 4:00pm to 8:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Warren Street (Both Sides) from Eagle Street to Grand Street ;for an event.

Thursday, July 21st from 7:00am to 2:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Myrtle Avenue (North Side) in front of 449 and 451 Myrtle Avenue ;for a move. ;

Thursday, July 21st at 6:00am until Friday, July 22nd at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Danker Avenue (East Side) from Lincoln Avenue to the Dead End for road work.

Danker Avenue (West Side) from 28 Danker Avenue to Lincoln Avenue for road work.

Danker Avenue (West Side) from 34-38 Danker Avenue for road work.

Grant Avenue (East Side) from 42-54 Grant Avenue for road work.

Grant Avenue (West Side) from 21-27 Grant Avenue for road work.

Grant Avenue from 91 Grant Avenue to the Dead End for road work.

Thursday, July 21st at 7:00am until Friday, July 29th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Osborne Street (Both Sides) from 9-41 Osborne Street ;for service vehicles.

Friday, July 22nd from 8:00am to 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Van Schoick Avenue (West Side) from 98-108 Van Schoick Avenue ;for AWD vehicles.

Friday, July 22nd from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Hudson Avenue (North Side) near 277 Hudson Avenue ;for a move.

Jay Street (North Side) near 167 Jay Street ;for a move.

Friday, July 22nd from 6:00am to 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Adirondack Street (Both Sides) from Berkshire Boulevard to the Dead End for road work.

Berkshire Boulevard (Both Sides) three spaces north/south of Hillcrest Avenue for road work.

Highland Avenue (Both Sides) three spaces east/west of Pleasant View Avenue for road work.

Hillcrest Avenue (Both Sides) from Wellington Ave. to Berkshire Blvd. ;

Homestead Avenue (Both Sides) three spaces north/south of Pleasant View Avenue for road work.

Magazine Street (Both Sides) three spaces north/south of Pleasant View Avenue for road work.

Maplewood Avenue (North Side) from Locust Street to Russell Road for road work.

Pleasant View Avenue (Both Sides) from Homestead Avenue to Russell Road for road work.

Russell Road (Both Sides) three spaces north/south of Pleasant View Avenue for road work.

Friday, July 22nd from 12:00am to 11:59pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (West Side) just north of Sheridan Avenue ;for a bus. ;

Friday, July 22nd at 8:00am until Saturday, July 23rd at 8:00am

Parking Restrictions:

Lodge Street (East Side) from State Street north nine spaces for buses.

Lodge Street (West Side) from Corning Place to State Street ;for buses. ;

Friday, July 22nd at 7:00am until Monday, July 25th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Second Avenue (North Side) from Jeanette Street to Beekman Street ;for service vehicles.

Friday, July 22nd at 7:00am until Thursday, July 28th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Osborne Street (Both Sides) from 9 Osborne Street to Elizabeth Street ;for service vehicles.

Friday, July 22nd at 7:00am until Friday, August 5th at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Hudson Avenue (North Side) near 305 Hudson Avenue ;for a dumpster. ;

Saturday, July 23rd from 8:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

State Street (North Side) near 497 State Street ;for a move.

State Street (South Side) near 274 State Street for a move.

Saturday, July 23rd from 7:00am to 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Jay Street (South Side) near 226 Jay Street ;for a move. ;

Saturday, July 23rd from 8:00am to 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

State Street (North Side) near 375 State Street ;for a move. ;

Saturday, June 23rd from 8:00am to 10:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

South Pearl Street (Both Sides) from Beaver Street to Market Street ;for an event.

Saturday, July 23rd at 7:00am until Wednesday, July 27th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

South Main Avenue (Both Sides) from Morris Street to Madison Avenue ;for a gas install.

Saturday, July 23rd at 7:00am until Friday, August 5th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Central Avenue (South Side) near 276 Central Avenue for a dumpster.

Saturday, July 23rd at 7:00am until Friday, August 5th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Delaware Avenue (East Side) from Park Avenue to Myrtle Avenue for service vehicles. ;

Sunday, July 24th from 12:05am to 1:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Lodge Street (East Side) four spaces north of the Hilton’s parking garage for a bus.

See the ;original announcements from: 07/14/2022, 07/15/2022, 07/18/2022, 07/19/2022, 07/20/2022, ;07/21/2022, 07/22/2022