News Article

Emergency No Parking Notices for 10/23/2023 to 10/29/2023

October 20, 2023

Please be advised of the following temporary parking restrictions and road closures beginning in Albany, NY between Monday 10/23/2023 and Sunday 10/29/2023.

Monday, October 23rd at 7:00am until 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Lark Street (West Side) two spaces north and south of Hudson Avenue for Lark Improvement

Hudson Avenue (Both Sides) two spaces west of Lark Street for Lark improvement

Monday, October 23rd at 6:00am until Thursday, October 26th at 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Washington Avenue (North Side) from North Allen Street opposite of North Pine Street for AWD paving

Monday, October 23rd at 6:00am until Friday, October 27th at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Clinton Avenue (South Side) from Broadway to North Pearl Street

Clinton Avenue (South Side) from Ten Broeck Street to North Hawk Street

Delaware Street (South Side) from Elizabeth Street to Clinton Street

North Pearl Street (Both Sides) eight spaces north and south of Clinton Avenue

Phillip Street (Both Sides) from Warren Street to Elm Street

Monday, October 23rd at 7:00am until Tuesday, October 31st at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

#68 Livingston Avenue (South Side) five spaces west of Broadway for service vehicles

Monday, October 23rd at 7:00am until Friday, November 3rd at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Morris Street (Both Sides) from #522 to #532 for road work

Monday, October 23rd at 7:00am until Thursday, November 23rd at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Three spaces in the Central Avenue Parking lot 8 south east corner closest to Nork Lake and Central Avenue for service vehicles

Tuesday, October 24th at 12:00am until 11:59pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (West Side) thirteen spaces north of Sheridan Avenue for Event bus

Tuesday, October 24th at 6:00am until 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Opposite #625 Broadway (West Side) south of Von Tromp Street for blood drive.

Tuesday, October 24th at 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. 

Parking Restrictions:

Madison Avenue (South Side) from #694 to #696 for AWD.

Morris Street (North Side) from #567 to #573 for AWD

Ontario Street (Both Sides) from #310 to #314 for AWD.

Washington Avenue (South Side) from #542 to #554 for AWD

Tuesday, October 24th at 3:00pm until 10:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Mohawk Street (Both Sides) from #28 to #34 for AWD

Tuesday, October 24th at 7:00am until Wednesday, October 25th at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Lark Street (West Side) two spaces north and south of State Street for Lark Improvement

State Street (Both Sides) two spaces west of Lark Street for Lark improvement.

Tuesday, October 24th at 7:00am until Friday, October 27th at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

210 Jay Street (South Side) east of Lark Street for service vehicles

Wednesday, October 25th at 12:00am until 11:59pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (West Side) from Wilson Street to Clinton Avenue for event parking

Wednesday, October 25th at 7:00am until 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

164 Morris Street (South Side) west of New Scotland Avenue for a move

Wednesday, October 25th at 7:00am until 7:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

276 Central Avenue (South Side) east of Quail Street for service vehicles

Wednesday, October 25th at 8:00am until 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Second Avenue (Both Sides) from Jeanette Street to Barrows Street

#70 Summit (East Side) south of St. James Place for AWD.

Wednesday, October 25th at 7:00am until Thursday, October 26th at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Jay Street (Both Sides) from Dove Street east to #165 for sidewalks

Thursday, October 6th at 7:00am until 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Lark Street (West Side) four spaces opposite Hamilton Street

Lark Street (West Side) four spaces opposite Chestnut Street for Lark Street Improvement

Thursday, October 26th at 8:00am until 12:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Three spaces in front of 131 Kent Street for a move

Thursday, October 26th at 8:00am until 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Barclay Street (Both Sides) #32 to #38 for AWD

Cardinal Avenue (Both Sides) from #30 to #38 for AWD

Emmet Street (South Side) from North Pearl Street to #51 for AWD

Morris Street (North Side) from #574 to #596 for AWD

West Lawrence Street (East Side) from #501 to Harvard Avenue for AWD

Thursday, October 26th at 3:00pm until 10:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Emmet Street (Both Sides) two spaces east of North Pearl Street for AWD

Thursday, October 26th at 7:00am until Friday, October 27th at 5:00pm 

Parking Restrictions:

South Swan Street (East Side) from Myrtle Avenue to Elm Street for Road Work

Friday, October 27th at 12:00am until 11:59pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (West Side) five spaces north of Sheridan Avenue for event bus

Friday, October 27th at 8:00am until 3:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Morris Street (Both Sides) from #637 to #643.  

Morton Avenue (North Side) opposite #136 to OPP #142 five spaces for AWD

Oakwood Street (Both Sides) from #3 to #17 for AWD

Friday, October 27th at 8:00am until 10:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Manning Square (North Side) from #1 to #6 for AWD

Friday, October 27th at 12:00am until Saturday, October 28th at 11:59pm

Parking Restrictions:

North Pearl Street (West Side) from Wilson Street to Clinton Avenue for event parking

Friday, October 27th at 7:00am until Monday, October 30th at 6:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

433 State Street (North Side) east of Sprague Place for a POD

Friday, October 27th at 7:00am until Wednesday, November 1st at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Elm Street (North Side) from South Swan Street to Dove Street for road work

Saturday, October 28th at 6:00am until 4:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

Dove Street (Both Sides) from Elk Street to Washington Avenue for a crane

Sunday, October 22nd at 8:00am until Wednesday, November 22nd at 5:00pm

Parking Restrictions:

355 State Street (North Side) east of Willett Street for service vehicles.

The Water Department is currently working on a water main break at the intersection of State Street and south Swan Street.

South Swan Street is closed north of State Street.

All northbound and eastbound traffic will need to use State Street eastbound to Eagle Street to get around the closure.

This will remain closed until the work is completed

See the original announcements from: 10/19/2023, 10/21/2023, 10/23/2023, 10/23/2023, 10/25/2023