News Article
Emergency No Parking Notices for 08/14/2023 to 08/20/2023
August 10, 2023
Please be advised of the following temporary parking restrictions and road closures beginning in Albany, NY between Monday 08/14/2023 and Sunday 08/20/2023
Sunday, August 13th at 8:00am until Monday, August 14th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 439 State Street ;for a move
Monday, August 14th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Benjamin Street (Both Sides) from 15 Benjamin Street to Second Avenue ;for AWD work.
Marwood Street (East Side) from 19-29 Marwood Street for AWD work ; ;
South Swan Street (West Side) from Elm Street to Jefferson Street ;for AWD work
Monday, August 14th from 7:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (West Side) near 54 North Pearl Street ;for service vehicles
Monday, August 14th from 8:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Willett Street (East Side) near 64 Willett Street ;for a move
Monday, August 14th from 9:00am to 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Chestnut Street (North Side) from 67-71 Chestnut Street ;for a move
Monday, August 14th at 6:00am until Tuesday, August 15th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Alexander Street (Both Sides) from Elizabeth Street to Eagle Street ;for DGS paving
Benjamin Street (West Side) from 15-53 Benjamin Street ;for lining project
Elk Street (North Side) 10 spaces west of Eagle Street ;for DGS paving
Lodge Street (Both Sides) from State Street to Steuben Street ;for DGS paving
Monday, August 14th at 6:00am until Friday, August 18th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Beekman Street (West Side) from Second Avenue to Delaware Avenue ;for sidewalk work
Rutland Street (Both Sides) from Sparkill Ave west five spaces ;for sidewalk work
Second Street (Both Sides) from Henry Johnson Boulevard to Lexington Avenue for DGA paving
Sherman Street (Both Sides) from Lexington Avenue to Lark Street ;for DGA paving ;
South Dove Street (West Side) from 2nd Avenue to St. Georges Place for sidewalk work
Sparkill Avenue (West Side) from Delaware Avenue to McAlpin Street ;for sidewalk work
Stanwix Street (West Side) from Second Avenue to Delaware Avenue ;for sidewalk work
St. Georges Place (North Side) from South Dove Street to Moore Street ;for sidewalk work
Monday, August 14th at 7:00am until Wednesday, August 16th at 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (Both Sides) from 706-712 State Street ;for service vehicles
Monday, August 14th at 7:00am until Wednesday, August 16th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Edison Avenue (Both Sides) from Parkwood Street to West Erie Street for a gas install
Euclid Avenue (West Side) from Greenway to Berkshire Boulevard ;for road work
Monday, August 14th at 8:00am until Friday, August 18th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (South Side) near 352 State Street ;for service vehicles
Tuesday, August 15th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Wilbur Street (Both Sides) from 7 Wilbur Street to Grand Street ;for AWD work
Tuesday, August 15th from 7:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
South Swan Street (West Side) near 168 South Swan Street ;for sewer repair
Tuesday, August 15th from 7:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 497 State Street ;for a move. ;
Tuesday, August 15th from 8:00am to 1:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Central Avenue (South Side) near 400 Central Avenue ;for service vehicles
Tuesday, August 15th from 8:00am to 2:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
James Street (West Side) three spaces south of Maiden Lane ;for an event
Tuesday, August 15th from 8:00am to 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hamilton Street (North Side) near 407 Hamilton Street ;for a move
Tuesday, August 15th from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Madison Avenue (South Side) near 540 Madison Avenue ;for a move. ;
Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00am until Wednesday, August 16th ;at 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Second Avenue (Both Sides) from 396 Second Avenue to Marshall Street ;for AWD work
Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00am until Friday, August 18th at 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 41 State Street ;for service vehicles
Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00am until Friday, September 15th at 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Central Avenue Lot 1 ;(East Side) ;for service vehicles.
Tuesday, August 15th at 8:00am until Wednesday, August 16th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 86 Dana Avenue ;for a move
Wednesday, August 16th from 10:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Warren Street (Both Sides) from Philip Street to Grand Street ;for street fair
Wednesday, August 16th at 6:00am until Friday, August 18th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Beaver Street (North Side) from South Pearl Street to Green Street ;for lining project. ;
Wednesday, August 16th at 7:00am until Thursday, August 17th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Chestnut Street (South Side) near 102 Chestnut Street ;for a move
Thursday, August 17th from 12:00am to 11:59pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (West Side) from Wilson Street to Clinton Avenue ;for an event. ;
Thursday, August 17th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Benjamin Street (Both Sides) from 15 Benjamin Street to Second Avenue ;for AWD work. ;
South Street (North Side) from 12-27 South Street ;for AWD work
Teunis Street (West Side) four spaces north of Second Avenue for AWD work
Thursday, August 17th at 6:00am until Friday, August 18th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Alexander Street (Both Sides) from Elizabeth Street to Eagle Street ;for DGS paving
Thursday, August 17th at 7:00am until Friday, August 18th at 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
South Lake Avenue (West Side) from 13-19 South Lake Avenue ;for service vehicles
Thursday, August 17th at 6:00am until Tuesday, August 22nd at 6:00pm ;
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (Both Sides) near the intersection of Lark Street ;for DGS ;work. ;
Lancaster Street (Both Sides) near the intersection of Hudson Avenue for DGS work ;
Thursday, August 17th until Monday, August 21st at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Clinton Avenue (South Side) from 308 Clinton Avenue to Lark Street ;for lining project. ;
Friday, August 18th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (Both Sides) from 637 North Pearl Street to Lawn Avenue ;for AWD work
South Allen Street (Both Sides) from 156 South Allen Street to Cortland Street for AWD work
Friday, August 18th from 8:00am to 2:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lancaster Street (North Side) from Lark Street to the end of the church lot ;for church vehicles
Friday, August 18th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Robin Street (East Side) near 105 Robin Street ;for a move
Saturday, August 19th from 6:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Krank Street (Both Sides) from Second Avenue to Scott Street ;for a crane
Saturday, August 19th from 7:00am to 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Sheridan Avenue (Both Sides) from Dove Street to Swan Street ;for an event
Saturday, August 19th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 124 Dana Avenue ;for a move
Sunday, August 20th from 7:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
South Pearl Street (Both Sides) from Beaver Street to Hudson Avenue ;for an event
Sunday, August 20th from 9:00am to 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Besch Avenue (South Side) near 30 Besch Avenue ;for a move. ;
Madison Avenue (South Side) near 610 Madison Avenue for a move
See the ;original announcements from: 08/09/2023 ;, 08/10/2023, 08/11/2023, 08/14/2023, 08/15/2023