News Article
Emergency No Parking Notices for 07/02/2021 to 07/05/2021
June 29, 2021
Please be advised of the following road closures and parking restriction beginning in Albany NY between 7/02/2021 and 7/05/2021.
Friday, ;July 2nd at 6:00am until 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Raymo Street (Both Sides) near 30 Raymo Street for AWD project.
Friday, ;July 2nd at 6:00am until 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hawthorne Avenue (Both Sides) from Belvidere Avenue to Melrose Avenue for street and sidewalk work. ;
Laurel Drive (Both Sides) from Hawthorne Avenue north five spaces for street and sidewalk work. ;
Friday, ;July 2nd at 9:00am until 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dove Street (East Side) just south of State Street for a move.
; ;
Friday, ;July 2nd at 12:00am until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (South Side) near 270 Hudson Avenue for a move. ;
Friday, ;July 2nd at 12:00pm until 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (South Side) near 294 Hudson Avenue for service vehicles.
Friday, ;July 2nd at 2:00pm until 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
First Street (South Side) just west of Ten Broeck Street for a move.
Madison Avenue (South Side) near 566 Madison Avenue for a move.
Friday, ;July 2nd at 8:00pm until Wednesday, July 7th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Jefferson Street (South Side) near 184 Jefferson Street for service vehicles.
Friday, ;July 2nd at 9:00pm until Saturday, July 3rd at 1:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Chestnut Street (south side) near 82 Chestnut Street for service vehicles.
Friday, ;July 2nd at 7:00am until Friday, July 9th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hamilton Street (Both Sides) from 476 Hamilton Street to Quail Street for service vehicles. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 7:00am until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 283 State Street for a move. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 8:00am until 12:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 107 State Street for a funeral. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 8:00am until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 126 Dana Avenue for a move. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 8:00am until 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue in front of 321 Hudson Avenue for a move. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 9:00am until 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lancaster Street (South Side) near 154 Lancaster Street for a move. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 9:00am until Sunday, June 4th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Morris Street (North Side) near 169 Morris Street for a move. ;
Saturday, ;July 3rd at 12:00pm until Sunday, July 4th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Parkwood Street (West Side) near 7 Parkwood Street for a move.
Parking Restrictions Related to the 4th of July Fireworks at the Empire State Plaza: ;
Parking Restrictions in the area of the Empire State Plaza:
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until 11:59pm
- Madison Avenue (Both Sides) from South Swan Street to Eagle Street.
- North Hawk Street (East & West Side) from Washington Avenue to Elk Street.
- State Street (Both Sides) from South Swan Street to Eagle Street. ;
- Washington Avenue (North Side) from Eagle Street to South Swan Street. ;
- Washington Avenue (South Side) from South Swan Street to North Hawk Street. ;
- Washington Avenue (North Side) from 111 Washington Avenue to South Swan Street.
Parking Restrictions in the Mansion Neighborhood:
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until 11:59pm
- Bleecker Street (South Side) from Philip Street to Eagle Street. ;
- Elm Street (North Side) from Eagle Street to Grand Street
- Madison Place (North Side) from Eagle Street to Philip Street. ;
- Philip Street (East Side) from Madison Avenue to Warren Street.
Parking Restrictions in the area of Lincoln Park
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until Monday, July 5th at 6:00pm
Upper Lincoln Park: all roadways between Delaware Avenue and Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard.*
*This includes the roadway adjacent to TOAST School and near the tennis courts, basketball courts and spray pool (Sunshine School)
Road Closures Related to the 4th of July Fireworks at the Empire State Plaza: ;
Roads Closed to ALL Traffic:
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until Monday, July 5th at 9:00am
Upper Lincoln Park: roadways between Delaware Avenue and Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard. (TOAST School roadway, roadway to tennis courts, basketball courts, spray pool, and sunshine school building)
Roads Closed to All Traffic Except Local and Emergency Traffic:
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until 11:59pm
- Bleecker Place between Philip Street and Eagle Street.
- Elm Street between Eagle Street and Grand Street.
- Madison Place between Eagle Street and Philip Street.
- Myrtle Avenue between Eagle Street and Grand Street.
- Philip Street between Madison Avenue and Myrtle Avenue.
- Wilbur Street between Philip Street and Grand Street.
Roads Closed to All Traffic Except Event and Emergency Traffic:
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until 11:59pm
- Park Street between Lancaster Street and State Street
- State Street between South Swan Street and Eagle Street
Sunday, ;July 4th at 4:00pm until 11:59pm
- Madison Avenue between South Swan Street and Eagle Street.
Sunday, ;July 4th at 5:00am until 11:59pm
- Park Street between Lancaster Street and State Street
- State Street between South Swan Street and Eagle Street.
Please Note: that additional closures may be necessary based upon traffic volumes and delays. Albany Police Department personnel will be on hand to assist with traffic control and ensuring that motorists are aware of recommended egress routes. Several message boards will also contain information to help direct motorists.
Monday, ;July 5th at 8:00am until 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (South Side) just east of Willett Street for a move. ;
Monday, ;July 5th at 8:00am until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Morris Street (South Side) near 166 Morris Street for a move. ;
Monday, ;July 5th at 7:00am until Friday, July 9th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Morris Street (South Side) near 378 Morris Street for service vehicles. ;
Monday, ;July 5th at 7:00am until Friday, July 23rd at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 249 State Street for service vehicles. ;
See the ;original announcements from 6/28/2021, ;6/29/2021, ;6/30/2021, ;6/30/2021, ;7/01/2021, ;July 4th Notice