News Article
Emergency No Parking Notices for 05/08/2023 to 05/14/2023
May 5, 2023
Please be advised of the following temporary parking restrictions and road closures beginning in Albany, NY between Monday 05/08/2023 and Sunday 05/14/2023.
Monday, May 8th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Philbrick Street (Both Sides) from Mountain Street to Kenosha Street ;for AWD work.
West Street (Both Sides) from 7 West Street to Robin Street ;for AWD work.
Monday, May 8th from 9:00am to 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (North Side) near 341 Hudson Avenue ;for a move.
Monday, May 8th at 7:00am until Tuesday, May 9th at 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Ridgefield Street (Both Sides) from Myrtle Avenue to Park Avenue ;for AWD work.
Monday, May 8th at 6:00am until Tuesday, May 9th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dove Street (West Side) from 55 Dove Street to Jay Street ;for paving and milling.
Lancaster Street (Both Sides) from Dove Street to Lark Street ;for paving and milling.
Monday, May 8th at 1:00am until Tuesday, May 9th at 2:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lodge Street (East Side) three spaces north of State Street ;for a bus.
Monday, May 8th at 8:00am until Wednesday, May 10th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lincoln Avenue (North Side) near 1 Lincoln Avenue ;for service vehicles.
Monday, May 8th at 8:00am until Friday, May 12th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Eagle Street (Both Sides) from Elm Street to Madison Avenue ;for service vehicles.
Monday, May 8th at 7:00am until Friday, May 12th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Chestnut Street (Both Sides) from 75 Chestnut Street to Dove Street ;for a gas install.
Monday, May 8th at 7:00am until Friday, May 12th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Myrtle Avenue (North Side) three spaces east of West Lawrence Street ;for service vehicles.
West Lawrence Street (East Side) two spaces north of Myrtle Avenue ;for service vehicles.
Monday, May 8th at 6:00am until Friday, May 12th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Chestnut Street (Both Sides) three spaces north/south of Dove Street ;for sidewalk work.
Dove Street (West Side) from Orange Street three spaces north/south ;of intersection for sidewalk work.
Dove Street (West Side) from Washington Avenue to Chestnut Street for sidewalk work.
Lark Street (East Side) from Orange Street three spaces north/south of intersection for sidewalk work.
North Lake Avenue (East Side) from West Street three spaces north/south of intersection for sidewalk work.
Orange Street (North Side) from Dove Street to Lark Street for sidewalk work.
Robin Street (West Side) from West Street three spaces north/south of intersection for sidewalk work.
Spring Street (Both Sides) from Dove Street three spaces west for sidewalk work.
State Street (Both Sides) from Dove Street 5 spaces west of intersection for sidewalk work.
West Street (North Side) from Robin Street to North Lake Avenue ;for sidewalk work.
Monday, May 8th at 6:00am until Friday, May 12th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Sheridan Avenue (South Side) near 16 Sheridan Avenue ;for service vehicles.
Monday, May 8th at 7:00am until Friday, May 12th at 11:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (North Side) near 351 Hudson Avenue ;for service vehicles.
Tuesday, May 9th from 12:00am to 11:59pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (West Side) from Wilson Street to Clinton Avenue ;for an event.
Tuesday, May 9th from 7:00am to 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Eagle Street (Both Sides) from Washington Avenue to Elk Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Lodge Street (West Side) from Corning Place to State Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Lodge Street (Both Sides) from Pine Street to Steuben Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Pine Street (Both Sides) from Chapel Street to Lodge Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Madison Avenue (North Side) from west of the Plaza Bridge west to South Swan Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
State Street (Both Sides) from South Swan Street east to the Empire State Plaza entrance ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Tuesday, May 9th from 7:00am to 4:00pm
Road Closures:
Chapel Street between Pine Street and Columbia Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Lodge Street between Corning Place and Steuben Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Pine Street between North Pearl Street and Lodge Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Steuben Street between Lodge Street and Chapel Street ;for the 2023 Police Memorial Ceremony.
Tuesday, May 9th from 7:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Manning Boulevard (North Side) near 352 Manning Boulevard for road work.
Warren Street (South Side) near 518 Warren Street ;for road work.
Tuesday, May 9th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 86 Dana Avenue ;for a move.
Tuesday, May 9th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Morris Street (North Side) near 163 Morris Street ;for a move.
Tuesday, May 9th at 8:00am until Wednesday, May 10th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 289 State Street ;for a move.
Tuesday, May 9th at 5:00am until Friday, May 12th at 7:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Washington Avenue (South Side) from 180-184 Washington Avenue ;for a lift.
Wednesday, May 10th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Ontario Street (Both Sides) from Third Street to Livingston Avenue ;for AWD work.
South Main Avenue (Both Sides) from 41-45 South Main Avenue ;for AWD work.
South Swan Street (Both Sides) from 26 South Swan Street to Sheridan Avenue ;for AWD work.
Wednesday, May 10th from 7:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (Both Sides) near 225 North Pearl Street for sewer repair.
Wednesday, May 10th from 8:00am to 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (South Side) near 314 State Street ;for a move.
Wednesday, May 10th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 86 Dana Avenue ;for a move.
Thursday, May 11th from 12:00am to 11:59pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (West Side) three spaces north of Sheridan Avenue for a bus.
Thursday, May 11th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Swartson Court (Both Sides) near 29 Swartson Court ;for tree vehicles.
Thornton Street (Both Sides) six spaces north of Livingston Avenue for tree vehicles.
Thursday, May 11th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Morris Street (South Side) near 164 Morris Street for a move.
Thursday, May 11th from 9:00am to 2:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Jay Street near 121 Jay Street and Wilborn Temple for a funeral.
Thursday, May 11th from 10:00am to 2:00am
Parking Restrictions:
Lodge Street (Both Sides) from Pine Street to Columbia Street for a funeral.
Pine Street (North Side) from Chapel Street to Pine Street ;for a funeral. ;
Thursday, May 11th at 7:00am until Friday, May 12th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 387 State Street for service vehicles.
Thursday, May 11th at 7:00am until Wednesday, May 17th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Chestnut Street (Both Sides) from 71 Chestnut Street to South Swan Street for a gas install.
Friday, May 12th from 12:00am to 11:59pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Pearl Street (West Side) eight spaces north of Sheridan Avenue ;for a bus.
Friday, May 12th from 7:00am to 12:30pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lodge Street (East Side) from Pine Street south three spaces for an event.
State Street (Both Sides) from Lodge Street to Elk Street for an event.
Friday, May 12th from 7:00am to 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Elk Street (Both Sides) from 479 Elk Street to Quail Street for AWD work.
First Street (Both Sides) from Judson Street three spaces west for AWD work.
Judson Street (Both Sides) from First Street three spaces north for AWD work.
Lenox Avenue (Both Sides) from 36 to 44 Lenox Avenue for AWD work.
Friday, May 12th from 9:30am to 12:30pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (Both Sides) between Eagle Street and Lodge Street for the Tulip Festival Street Scrubbing Event.
Friday, May 12th from 9:30am to 12:30pm
Road Closures:
State Street between Eagle Street and Lodge Street for the Tulip Festival Street Scrubbing Event.
Friday, May 12th at 11:00pm until Saturday, May 13th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Western Avenue (South Side) from 432-492 Western Avenue ;for a move. ;
Friday, May 12th at 9:00am until Saturday, May 13th at 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Western Avenue (South Side) near 154 Western Avenue for a move.
Friday, May 12th at 8:00am until Saturday, May 13th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Beaver Street (North Side) eight spaces east of South Pearl Street ;for a move.
Friday, May 12th at 5:00pm until Sunday, May 14th at 1:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lodge Street (East Side) nine spaces north of State Street ;for buses. ;
Friday, May 12th at 12:00pm until Sunday, May 14th at 1:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Sheridan Avenue (South Side) three spaces west of Eagle Street for a bus.
Friday, May 12th at 6:00am until Sunday, May 14th at 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Washington Park Road (East Side) from Hudson Avenue north six spaces for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Washington Park Road (Both Sides) from New Scotland Avenue to Lake Avenue for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Friday, May 12th at 7:00am until Monday, May 15th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dove Street (East Side) from Spring Street to State Street ;for sewer repair. ;
Friday, May 12th at 7:00am until Tuesday, May 16th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Corlear Street (Both Sides) from Hoffman Avenue to South Marshall Street ;for a gas install.
Saturday, May 13th from 6:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Englewood Place (Both Sides) from Western Avenue to the south dead end for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Thurlow Terrace (Both Sides) from Western Avenue to the south dead end for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th from 6:00am to 9:00pm
Road Closures:
Englewood Place between Western Avenue and the south dead end for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th from 6:00am to 9:00pm
Road Closures (For all except residents/emergency vehicles):
Henry Johnson Boulevard between Western Avenue and State Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Hudson Avenue between Lark Street and Willett Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Lancaster Street between Lark Street and Willett Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
State Street between Robin Street and Lark Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Willett Street between Madison Avenue and State Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Second Street (North Side) near 163 Second Street ;for a move.
Saturday, May 13th from 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hamilton Street (South Side) near 408 Hamilton Street ;for a move.
Saturday, May 13th from 1:00pm to 9:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lark Street (West Side) from Lancaster Street to Trinity Lot ;for an event. ;
Saturday, May 13th at 6:00am until Sunday, May 14th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Englewood Place (Both Sides) from Western Avenue to the Dead End for Tulip Festival.
Thurlow Terrace (Both Sides) from Western Avenue to the Dead End for Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th at 7:00am until Sunday, May 14th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
South Pearl Street (Both Sides) from Beaver Street to Hudson Avenue ;for an event. ;
Saturday, May 13th at 6:00am until Sunday, May 14th at 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Elk Street (Both Sides) 3 spaces west of Eagle Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Elk Street (North Side) 3 spaces west of Hawk Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Madison Avenue (North Side) 2 spaces west of Grand Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Madison Avenue (North Side) from the bus stop east of New Scotland Avenue east 12 spaces for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
South Pearl Street (West Side) 2 spaces south of Grand Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
State Street (South Side) 4 spaces west of Henry Johnson Boulevard for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th at 12:01am until Sunday, May 14th at 8:00pm
Road Closures:
All Washington Park Roadways for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th at 12:01am until Sunday, May 14th at 8:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
All Washington Park Roadways (Including Henry Johnson Boulevard) for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Saturday, May 13th at 7:00am until Tuesday, May 16th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (North Side) near 9 Dana Avenue ;for a moving POD.
Sunday, May 14th from 6:00am to 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Englewood Place (Both Sides) from Western Avenue to the south dead end for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Thurlow Terrace (Both Sides) from Western Avenue to the south dead end for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Sunday, May 14th from 6:00am to 9:00pm
Road Closures (For all except residents/emergency vehicles):
Henry Johnson Boulevard between Western Avenue and State Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Hudson Avenue between Lark Street and Willett Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Lancaster Street between Lark Street and Willett Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
State Street between Robin Street and Lark Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Willett Street between Madison Avenue and State Street for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Sunday, May 14thfrom 6:00am to 9:00pm
Road Closures:
Englewood Place between Western Avenue and the south dead end for the 2023 Tulip Festival.
Sunday, May 14th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 124 Dana Avenue ;for a move.
Sunday, May 14th from 10:00am to 7:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 124 Dana Avenue ;for a move.
Sunday, May 14th at 11:00pm until Tuesday, May 16th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Ontario Street (East Side) near 334 Ontario Street ;for a move.
See the ;original announcements from: 05/04/2023, 05/05/2023, 05/08/2023, ;2023 Police Memorial Ceremony, 05/09/2023, 05/10/2023, 05/11/2023, 2023 Tulip Festival Restrictions