News Article
Emergency No Parking Notices for 05/03/2021 to 05/07/2021
April 29, 2021
Please be advised of the following road closures and parking restriction beginning in Albany NY between 5/3/2021 and 5/7/2021.
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Columbia Street (North Side) near 85 Columbia Street for service vehicles. ;
Monday, May 3rd at 10:00am ;until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Jay Street (South Side) near 210 Jay Street for service vehicles.
Monday, May 3rd at 6:00am ;until Tuesday, May 4th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Quail Street (West Side) from Park Avenue to Madison Avenue for milling and paving.
Monday, May 3rd at 6:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 251 State Street for service vehicles. ; ;
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Monday, May 3rd at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Garfield Street (North Side) from 21 to 27 Garfield Street for sidewalk replacement. ;
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Tuesday, May 4th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Jeanette Street (West Side) from 20 Jeanette Street to Second Avenue for gas installation.
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Jay Street (North Side) near 199 Jay Street for service vehicles.
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Tuesday, May 18th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Warren Street (Both Sides) from 551 Warren Street to Quail Street for service vehicles.
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Friday, July 30th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Myrtle Avenue (South Side) from South Swan St. to Park Ave for curb and sidewalk repairs.
South Swan Street (East Side) from Myrtle Avenue south four spaces for curb and sidewalk repairs.
South Swan Street (East Side) from Park Avenue south four spaces for curb and sidewalk repairs.
Monday, May 3rd at 8:00am ;until Tuesday, May 4th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hudson Avenue (South Side) near 356 Hudson Avenue for a move.
Monday, May 3rd at 8:00am ;until Wednesday, May 5th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Colonial Avenue (Both Sides) from Buckingham Drive to Rafts Street ;for milling and paving.
Colonial Court (Both Sides) from Buckingham Drive to the Dead End for milling and paving.
Hansen Avenue (South Side) from South Main Avenue to West Erie Street for milling and paving.
Industrial Park Road (Both Sides) near Watervliet Avenue for sidewalk reconstruction. ;
Providence Street (South Side) near 549 Providence Street for service vehicles. ;
South Main Avenue (Both Sides) near intersections of Hansen Avenue for milling and paving.
Watervliet Avenue (Both Sides) from Commerce Avenue to the dead end for sidewalk reconstruction.
West Erie Street (Both Sides) near intersection of Hansen Avenue for milling and paving.
Monday, May 3rd at 6:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Forest Avenue (East Side) from Helderberg Avenue to Hackett Boulevard for milling and paving.
Hackett Boulevard (Both Sides) near intersection of Forest Avenue for milling and paving.
Helderberg Avenue (Both Sides) near the intersection of Forest Avenue ;for milling and paving.
Madison Avenue (Both Sides) near intersection of Quail Street for milling and paving.
Morris Street (Both Sides) near the intersection of Quail Street for milling and paving.
Myrtle Avenue (Both Sides) near the intersection of Quail Street for milling and paving.
Park Avenue (Both Sides) near the intersection of Quail Street for milling and paving.
Quail Street (Even Side) from Park Avenue to Madison Avenue for milling and paving.
Yates Street (Both Sides) near the intersection of Quail Street for milling and paving.
Monday, May 3rd at 6:00am ;until Friday, May 14th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Spring Street (South Side) from Lark Street to Henry Johnson Boulevard for paving and sidewalk reconstruction. ;
Henry Johnson Boulevard (East Side) just east of Spring Street for paving and sidewalk reconstruction.
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 4:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Second Avenue (South Side) from 294 Second Avenue to 392 Second Avenue for pole replacement. ;
Monday, May 3rd at 7:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
North Lake Avenue (Both Sides) from 117 North Lake Avenue to Sherman Street for underground repairs.
Third Street (South Side) from 610 Third Street to 616 Third Street for service vehicles.
Tuesday, May 4th at 7:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Second Avenue (Both Side) from Jeanette Street to Bertha Street for gas install. ;
Wednesday, May 5th at 7:00am ;until 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Madison Avenue (South Side) near 484 Madison Avenue for a move.
Wednesday, May 5th at 8:00am ;until 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Washington Avenue (South Side) just east of South Swan Street for service vehicles. ;
Wednesday, May 5th at 7:00am ;until Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Henry Johnson Boulevard (East Side) just north of State Street for service vehicles.
Wednesday, May 5th at 7:00am ;until Wednesday, May 12th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Livingston Avenue (South Side) from 388 to 392 for sidewalk replacement. ;
South Lake Avenue (West Side) near 99 South Lake Avenue for sidewalk replacement.
Wednesday, May 5th at 5:00pm ;until Friday, May 14th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Trinity Place (Both Sides) from #37 Trinity Place to Westerlo Street for Albany Water Department project.
Thursday, May 6th at 7:00am ;until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Columbia Street (North Side) near 85 Columbia Street for service vehicles. ;
Thursday, May 6th at 8:00am ;until 1:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lancaster Street (North Side) near 817 Lancaster Street for a move. ;
Thursday, May 6th at 8:00am ;until 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Jefferson Street (South Side) near 156 Jefferson Street for a move. ;
State Street (North Side) near 285 State Street for a move. ;
Thursday, May 6th at 7:00am ;until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Columbia Street (North Side) near 85 Columbia Street for service vehicles.
Thursday, May 6th at 7:00am ;until Wednesday, May 12th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Central Avenue (North Side) near 95 Central Avenue for a dumpster. ;
Thursday, May 6th at 7:00am ;until Sunday, June 6th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Hamilton Street (South Side) near 358 Hamilton Street for service vehicles.
South Lake Avenue (West Side) near 17 South Lake Avenue for sidewalk replacement. ;
Friday, May 7th at 6:00am ;until 3:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Lancaster Street (North Side) from #181 to #195 for water and sewer repair. ;
Friday, May 7th at 7:00am ;until 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (South Side) near 324 State Street for a move.
Friday, May 7th at 9:00am ;until Monday, May 10th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Dana Avenue (South Side) near 12 Dana Avenue for a moving POD.
Friday, May 7th at 10:00am ;until Sunday, May 9th at 5:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
State Street (North Side) near 385 State Street for a move.
; ;
Friday, May 7th at 10:00am ;until Monday, May 10th at 6:00pm
Parking Restrictions:
Eagle Street (East Side) near 149 Eagle Street for a moving POD. ;
See the ;original announcements from 4/28/2021, ;4/29/2021, ;04/30/2021, ;5/03/2021, ;5/4/2021, ;5/5/2021, ;5/7/2021